The Broken Arrow Police Training Academy and Grant Writing USA will present a two-day grant writing workshop in Tulsa on April 17-18, 2023. This training is for grant seekers across all disciplines. Attend this class and you'll learn how to find the funding sources and write winning grant proposals. Beginning and experienced grant writers are encouraged to attend.
For event details visit:
This class has been cataloged by the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training for 12 hours of mandatory continuing education credit, 22-33174. Regarding any law enforcement concepts, practices, methods, techniques, products, or devices as might be taught, promoted, or otherwise espoused in outside schools or seminars, there is no intent, expressed or implied, that ‘catalog’ indicates or in any way conveys ‘CLEET approval’ of such concepts, practices, methods, techniques, products, or devices, unless such approval is explicitly stated by CLEET.
We are excited to offer your members and their staff a special tuition rate of $465 which includes everything: two days of terrific instruction, workbook, and access to our Alumni Forum that's packed full of tools, helpful discussions and sample grant proposals. Please use the discount code "ASSN" to receive this $30 discount off full price at registration.
Payment is not required at the time of registration. Government agencies have 30 days from the class date to submit payment. Online reservations are necessary.
More information including learning objectives, class location, graduate testimonials and online registration is available here.