Available Items

  • Name: Pat Wilson

    DEPARTMENT: Wyandotte Tribal/Municipal Police Department


    Phone: (918) 678-6364

    SUPLUS ITEM(S): French Blue Uniforms

    DESCRIPTION (include quantity, age, etc.): We have several different sizes in the shirts (short and long sleeve) and different sizes for pants. They are Class A uniforms in bulk quantities.

Requested Items

  • Name: Robert Smith

    Department: Fort Cobb Police Department


    Phone: (405) 668-2252

    Equipment Needed (quantity included): Tasers with cartridges, less lethal pepper ball gun, duty gear

  • Name: Joshua Seely

    Department: Lawton Public Schools Police Department


    Phone: (580) 357-6900

    Equipment Needed (quantity included): Radar/5 Units, Tasers/18 Units.

  • Name: Michael Martin

    Department: Osage County District Attorney's Office


    Phone: (918) 287-1510

    Equipment Needed (quantity included): Unmarked patrol car

  • Name: Paul Bush

    Department: Maysville PD


    Equipment Needed (quantity included): Any non lethal, tasers, pepper guns, rubber bullets' guns, etc.

Does your department have surplus equipment? Consider donating it to the OACP. We will distribute to a department in need on your behalf. Complete the form below, we will be in contact soon.

 Is your department in need of equipment? Let us know what you are looking for. As we get submittals from other departments, we will be in contact!